Big bags, small bags, satchels and clutch bags - you name it and I'm sure to have it. Even the plainest outfit can be instantly injected with a shot of style with the right tote, and until I have the funds to afford my dream designer carrier, I take a 'more the merrier' approach to this most useful of accessories. Until fairly recently that is, when I took the brave decision to cull my collection and whittle it down to a few essentials.
Since being at uni/employed I've been rotating three options, all big enough to accumulate the daily
What I haven't had the opportunity to use lately are my favourite type of holdalls; that stunning little ensemble that completes an evening's attire. Clutch bags - or any small bag that is pretty enough to be worthy of working alongside a killer dress and heels - are just big enough to fit in cash and keys, and most definitely could not to be mistaken for a common 'day-bag'. However when I started thinking about outfits for my birthday next month (I like to plan ahead) I realised to my horror I had left myself with a very limited choice.
Since moving out of my student house, there is no longer the option of three wardrobes to raid. I have to make do with my own sorry collection, which is shamefully small. So when I had a flick through the latest issue of Company, my heart skipped a beat when I saw these little beauties.
I'd seen a handful of celebrities sporting these novel (HA, get it) clutch bags, including Michelle Williams, Natalie Portman and Emma Roberts. Taking geek chic to a whole new level, these cute clutches take famous stories and use their covers as decoration. Options I've seen include Lolita, The Great Gatsby and Jane Austen's Emma. Being a self-confessed book worm I was keen to get my hands on one, however when I saw the price tag attached to the Olympia Le Tan designs, I knew that until I had published my own successful story, there was no way I could afford one.
And so, the charming handmade creations from P.S Besitos are just what I need to satisfy my kitsch craving. From children's classics like The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Alice In Wonderland, to classic cook books, there are enough literary purses to fill a library. And at only £40, it's definitely tempting to do just that. I'm left to wonder how long it'll take before some clever crafter fashions a Harry Potter version, and whether I'll be able to decide between the seven books...